Date Item Buyer Value Raid Event
09/07/2008 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Executioner] Beefboy 1 Zul'Aman Nalorakk
09/07/2008 [Mask of Introspection] Bhoone 1 Zul'Aman Nalorakk
08/09/2008 [Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2] Beefboy 0 Kara Trash mob
08/09/2008 [Ribbon of Sacrifice] Briarmane 1 Kara The Crone
08/09/2008 [Blue Diamond Witchwand] Razzmattazz 1 Kara The Crone
08/09/2008 [Boots of Foretelling] Jessibell 1 Kara Maiden of Virtue
08/09/2008 [Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch] Beefboy 1 Kara Moroes
08/09/2008 [Boots of Valiance] Apolloknight 1 Kara Moroes
08/09/2008 [Worgen Claw Necklace] Xiaron 1 Kara Attumen the Huntsman
08/09/2008 [Stalker's War Bands] Reizel 1 Kara Attumen the Huntsman
08/03/2008 [Ring of Recurrence] Deathbolt 1 Karazhan Chess Event
08/03/2008 [Battlescar Boots] Bhoone 1 Karazhan Chess Event
08/02/2008 [The Lightning Capacitor] Deathbolt 1 Karazhan Terestian Illhoof
08/02/2008 [Mantle of the Mind Flayer] Deathbolt 1 Karazhan Shade of Aran
08/02/2008 [Drape of the Dark Reavers] Deaden 1 Karazhan Shade of Aran
08/02/2008 [Belt of the Tracker] Kadu 1 Kara Trash mob
08/01/2008 [Gloves of the Fallen Hero] Firewinder 1 Kara The Curator
08/01/2008 [Despair] Firewinder 1 Kara Romulo and Julianne
08/01/2008 [Eternium Greathelm] Bhoone 1 Kara Romulo and Julianne
08/01/2008 [Bracers of Justice] Apolloknight 1 Kara Maiden of Virtue
08/01/2008 [Gloves of Quickening] Kadu 1 Kara Maiden of Virtue
08/01/2008 [Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch] Sadness 1 Kara Moroes
08/01/2008 [Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable] Apolloknight 1 Kara Moroes
08/01/2008 [Steelhawk Crossbow] Firewinder 1 Kara Attumen the Huntsman
08/01/2008 [Worgen Claw Necklace] Sadness 1 Kara Attumen the Huntsman

360 Items found, showing 251 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15